EBN breakfast meeting with Modestas Kaseliauskas
Head of State Tax Inspectorate (under the Ministry of Finance of Lithuania)
(September 22, 2011)
EBN Garden Party Buffet
On Thursday July 7th EBN members and friends gathered for a wonderful Garden Party Buffet at the Residence of Belgium. The party was the last event before the summer break and marked the start of EBN's 5th Anniverary year! Click on the title to visit the photo gallery.
(July 29, 2011)
EBN Breakfast Meeting: Lietuvos Dujos - 3rd EU Energy Package - Gas Options for the Baltic States
Presentation by Dr. Joachim Hockertz Deputy General Manager - Director of Commerce
(June 20, 2011)
EBN Breakfast Meeting: Presentation of Kaunas Free Economic Zone
by Mr. Freddy Opsomer
(May 26, 2011)
EBN Breakfast Meeting: Investors' Forum - how to get a billion?
Presentation by Rūta Skyrienė
(April 28, 2011)
EBN Breakfast Meeting: NASDAQ OMX Vilnius - investment and capital raising marketplace
Presentation by Gintarė Blažytė NASDAQ OMX Communication Manager (Komunikacijos departamento direktorė)
(March 31, 2011)
EBN Breakfast Meeting: Expected Development of Lithuanian economy in 2011
With Ingrida Šimonytė, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania (Time is changed: 09.30)
(January 27, 2011)
EBN Christmas Event
(December 15, 2010)
EBN Breakfast meeting: Support for SMEs to innovate and to go international: access to finance, coaching and finding partners
by Sander van der Molen, M.Sc., M.A., M.Phil. of the Lithuanian Innovation Centre (LIC)
(November 25, 2010)
EBN Breakfast meeting: The current situation of the Lithuanian economy and the development in 2011-2012
by Dr. Gitanas Nausėda of SEB
(October 14, 2010)
EBN Breakfast meeting: Business opportunities in Lithuania for EBN members, what 's new?
Start of the season! Presentation by Mr. Daumantas Lapinskas, Vice-Minister, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania
(September 16, 2010)
EBN Family BBQ (members only)
On the 19th of June the EBN will organise its traditional family BBQ. This time with a special touch!
(June 19, 2010)
EBN Breakfast meeting on Corruption and Corporate Social Responsibility
with Sergej Muravjov, Director of the Lithuanian chapter of Transparancy International
(May 27, 2010)
Reception at the residence of the Ambassador of Belgium
(April 26, 2010)
Briefing on Changes in Remuneration for 2010
Changes in Remuneration for 2010 and how Baltic companies will manage theyr salary budgets: findings of recent hay group surveys
(March 16, 2010)