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Older Events

Visaginas Nuclear Power Plant Project and its Multiplier Effects

Unique EBN Breakfast meeting with Mr Takao Kurihara, General Manager (Nuclear), Global Sales Operations Division

(November 20, 2014)

The Impact of Sanctions to Russia and Ukraine on Business

EBN Breakfast meeting with Ms Vilija Vaitkute Pavan and Ms Elze Matulionyte of LAWIN

(June 26, 2014)

Lithuania's progress strategy "Lithuania 2030"

EBN Breakfast meeting with Antanas Zabulis, President and CEO of OMNITEL and member of the State progress council

(April 24, 2014)

Kaunas FEZ – inland terminal on North Sea Baltic and iron Silk Road?!

EBN Breakfast meeting with Freddy Opsomer, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kaunas FEZ

(March 20, 2014)

Investment climate in Lithuania

EBN Breakfast meeting with Rūta Skyrienė, Executive Director of Investors’ Forum

(February 20, 2014)

Enterprise Lithuania - present and the future

EBN breakfast meeting with Mr Mantas Nocius

(January 23, 2014)

From Acorns to Oaks - SMEs Thinking Big

EBN Seminar and panel discussion on November 26 on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

(November 26, 2013)

What do evolutions in global energy trends mean for companies in Lithuania?

EBN Breakfast meeting with Dr. Gintaras Gavėnas Management Consultant

(October 24, 2013)

Do Lithuanians like to say No?

- If so, why and what impact might this have for your business? EBN Breakfast meeting with Mr Ignas Zokas General Manager at Spinter tyrimai

(September 24, 2013)

EBN opened its 2013-2014 season

(September 13, 2013)

Seminar: Euro Introduction In Lithuania

Euro introduction in Lithuania: true benefits and practical challenges. A seminar and panel discussion, in co-operation with bnt - attorneys-at-law, on Monday June 10th in Novotel Vilnius Centre.

(June 10, 2013)

Overview of the Lithuanian tourism sector

EBN Breakfast meeting with Dr. Raimonda Balnienė, Director General of the Lithuanian State Department of Tourism

(May 30, 2013)

Growing Lithuanian economy in 2013

Presentation by Mr Nerijus Udrėnas, Chief Advisor to the President of the Republic of Lithuania

(April 25, 2013)

Employers Debt Index DIX: its understanding and dynamics

EBN Breakfast meeting with Mr. Saulius Zilinskas. Director General at Creditreform Lietuva

(March 21, 2013)

St. Patrick's Sunday Brunch

Come and enjoy the CRAIC on St. Patrick's weekend only at Novotel Vilnius Centre

(March 17, 2013)