DigiState Launch Party
Our member DigiState organises a Launch Party in Cozy. You are invited to join.
(October 17, 2019)
Climate Change – What Does it Mean for Lithuanian Industry
EBN Breakfast meeting with Evaldas Petrauskas (Ministry of Economy and Innovation) & Neringa Pumputytė (Bureau Veritas Lit)
(September 19, 2019)
Why travel is the best investment?
EBN Breakfast meeting with Zydre Gaveliene, TMC Estravel Lithuania leader
(June 13, 2019)
Lithuanian aviation strategy in the regional context
EBN Breakfast meeting with Gediminas Almantas. Board Member, Air Traffic Management Lithuania
(May 16, 2019)
The power of mentorship. Challenges of gender equality in ICT & engineering
EBN Breakfast meeting with Žydrūnė Vitaitė, Head of Sales at ELDES and Co-founder of Women Go Tech initiative
(March 27, 2019)
Balancing Fintech Opportunities and Risks
EBN Breakfast meeting 'Balancing Fintech Opportunities and Risks' with Marius Jurgilas of Lietuvos Bankas
(February 28, 2019)
Hybrid threats. Lithuanian response
EBN Breakfast on Thursday January 17th with Eitvydas Bajarūnas, Ambassador-at-Large for Hybrid Threats at the MFA of the Republic of Lithuania
(January 17, 2019)
Antitrust and Populism
EBN Breakfast meeting with Šarūnas Keserauskas Chairman of the Competition Council of Lithuania
(November 15, 2018)
Multi-cultural Dynamics in Teams: Global Culture Workshop
Special EBN Breakfast meeting: Workshop on Global Culture with Amelia Sestilo.
(October 11, 2018)
NATO Deterrence and stability in the Baltic region
EBN Breakfast meeting with Colonel Jakob Søgård Larsen and Major Joanna Martin of the NATO Force Integration Unit Lithuania
(September 27, 2018)
Work and employment of persons with disabilities
EBN Breakfast meeting with Minister of Social Security & Labour Mr. Linas Kukuraitis and Prof. Jonas Ruškus
(June 28, 2018)
UAB ARX and SKODA - Together simply Clever
Company visit to UAB ARX - Official Skoda Dealer
(May 10, 2018)
News, Fake News and Real News
EBN Breakfast meeting with Ludo Segers and Justinas Suliokas
(April 19, 2018)
Belgium and its regions: an economic powerhouse in Europe
EBN Breakfast meeting with Thomas Castrel & Jean-Philippe Schklar (AWEX)
(March 15, 2018)
Anti-corruption, Anti-bribery - Expectations vs reality
EBN Breakfast meetign with Liudas Jurkonis (EY) and Jovitas Raškevičius (STT)
(February 22, 2018)