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Dealing with real and fake news in the age of ubiquitous media

Media can be a veritable minefield these days and the European Business Network invited its members and business breakfast guests to learn a little about talking to and consuming the media. During the monthly EBN breakfast series, the speaker, Ludo Segers, gave a fascinating presentation about that and offered some insights into “What to do when you become the news”.

The event, hosted by the Embassy of Romania in Vilnius, offered the EBN members some practical advice on how to deal with the media as spokespeople of their respective organisations. Ludo Segers, a photographer and a long-time media collaborator, also shared his views on the current media landscape in Lithuania and abroad, noting that media consumers should treat every day as if it were April fool’s – that is, take everything they read or hear on the media with a grain of salt.

Read the full article on Delfi.